
5 Scientifically Proven Study Methods That You Need To Try This Year

Do you ever feel like your study habits aren’t simply cutting it? Do you often find yourself contemplating what you can do to perform better in class and on exams? If toiling long hours at the library is barely earning you a B-, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your study methods. Believe me or not, it’s not the long hours that count, but the study methods you use that can help you secure a perfect A+.

Choosing the correct and remarkable study method can help students reach their full potential, while a poorly selected study technique will hinder real progress, irrespective of how hard you try to study. As per research, highly successful students spend less time studying than their peers do; they just ensure to study more effectively.

To ensure your maximum retention and high grades, I will recommend sticking to scientifically proven study methods. In today’s comprehensive post, I have rounded up certain actionable and surefire strategies that will help you study smarter, not harder and earn ultimate academic success in no time.

Let’s dive right in!

Effective Study Methods to Remember Anything

  • SQ3R Method

According to the best minds associated with marketing assignment help services, the SQ3R method is a remarkable comprehension technique that enables students to determine crucial facts and retain information within their textbooks. Research shows students using the SQ3R reading comprehension strategy performed reading activities more remarkably than those who didn’t. SQRRR or SQ3R is an acronym that denotes the five steps of the reading comprehension process.

Have a look at these crucial steps for a more efficient and effective study session-

  • Survey- Rather than going through the entire book, begin by skimming the first chapter. Start taking notes on any headings, subheadings, images, or other standout features like charts.
  • Question- Then, you need to formulate questions around the content of the chapter, like ‘What is this chapter about? What do I already know about the subject?’
  • Read- Start reading the full chapter and try to look for answers to the questions you proposed.
  • Recite- After going through the entire segment, try to summarise in your own words what you have just read. Ensure to recall and determine major points from the second step.
  • Review- Once you have gone through the entire chapter, it’s crucial to review the material to wholly comprehend it. You can also quiz yourself on the questions you proposed and re-read any sections you need to.
  • Retrieval Practice

Retrieval Practice, also popularly known as a practice test or active recall, is based on the incredible concept of remembering at a later time. Again, two more studies concluded that students who used active recall and self-testing outperformed students who didn’t.

This study method focuses on recalling an answer to a question that enhances your learning process by notches. And, remember and writing down the answer on a flashcard is a lot more effective than considering you know the answer and flipping the card over early.

Here are certain ways you can implement the retrieval process into your study routine-

  • Utilise Practice Tests- Make use of practice questions or tests to quiz yourself without going through books or notes.
  • Make Own Questions- Be your own teacher and create questions you think will come on the test. If you are a part of a study group, encourage others to do the same. Trading questions can also help you considerably.
  • Use Flashcards- Create flashcards, but ensure to practice the retrieval method. Rather than flipping a card early, write the answer down and then check.
  • Spaced Practice

Hundreds of studies have shown that spaced practice, also popularly known as distributed learning or spaced repetition, assignment help students learn remarkably. This unique method encourages students to study over a longer time span instead of cramming the night before.

Often, most of our brain tends to forget vital information and then overwork itself to recall that information. Applying the spaced practice method will enable your mind to make connections between ideas and build upon the knowledge that can be recalled later with ease.

You can implement the exceptional approach below-

  • Day 1- Master the material in the class
  • Day 2- Revisit the material and review
  • Day 3- Revisit the material and review
  • After one week- Again, revisit and reassess
  • After two weeks- Revisit and practice

It’s significant to start planning early. At the start of each semester, schedule some time each day just for studying and reviewing the study material. Even if your grueling exams are months away, doing this will help you hold yourself accountable in the long run.

  • Pomodoro Technique  

Pomodoro is an impeccable management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This remarkable time management study method indicates dividing your work into 25-minute intervals, each separated by a five-minute break. It comes as no surprise that this study method was devised by a university student who struggled to complete his assignments.

Cirillo used his tomato (known as Pomodoro in Italian) shaped time and decided to pay undivided attention for about 10 minutes, followed by a break. Pleased with the success, he repeated the process and later on named the technique after the timer.

The key objective of this study method is to keep yourself motivated and eliminate distractions. Try not to look at your phone during the break, as social media can easily divert your attention. Also, ensure not to extend your break past the recommended five minutes.

  • Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is an effective method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms. It’s based on the idea that if you aim to comprehend something completely, try to explain it in simple words. This indicates that by attempting to explain a concept in your own words, you are likely to comprehend any concept or pay for assignment theory much faster.

This is a four-step process that you need to follow diligently-

  1. 1. Choose a topic or subject and comprehend it  properly
  2. 2. Explain the topic to someone in an easy manner so that the other person can easily comprehend what you aim to teach
  3. 3. Determine the knowledge gap where you can’t explain clearly
  4. 4. Organise and simplify the concept

Don’t you think this is an intriguing and fun way to learn and understand any topic or concept quickly?

Parting Words,

If there’s one thing in the world we’re short on right now, it’s time! Adopting a sustainable study method can enable you not only to cut back on long hours but also to retain maximum information, get that A, and learn what you need for the future.

Undeniably, developing good habits can be challenging, but starting with small and achievable steps can set you up to have consistent study habits for the rest of your life. Now, implement these 5 remarkable scientifically proven techniques and get studying!

Are there any study techniques that you have already been using? Will you try to implement all of these methods as a part of your daily study routine? Let me know in the comment section below!


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