
Himalayan Salt Block and How to cure Himalayan Salt Block?

Health is great wealth because a healthy body keeps a healthy mind. Health depends on what we eat and also on the cooking method with the cookware material is the most important thing to be noted while we talk about health. Himalayan Salt is a natural gift and the products that are manufactured from it are excellent to use in daily routine. Pink Himalayan Salt Block is 100% natural asset of Himalayan Rock Salt and a perfect cookware material to use in our kitchens for Cooking, Grilling and presenting our foods.

Himalayan salt Blocks Wholesale are pink colored Slabs, beautifully crafted in different shapes and sizes. It is the best substitute for a cooking pan. The pink color of Himalayan Salt slab is due to the presence of 84 trace minerals in it. When we cook food on it these minerals get imparted and penetrate to our meal to make it delicious and healthy. Due to the compact crystallization formation of Himalayan Pink Salt its heat distribution quality is superb. That’s why Himalayan Salt Block cooked food more quickly than the other cooking items. More and more people are very sensitive to take notice of their kitchen and the trend to use Himalayan Salt Blocks Wholesale in the kitchen is widely increasing. And there is a very important point that this increasing usage is not just because of its beauty and servings but also it covers many health advantages in itself.

Some Major Benefits of Using Pink Himalayan

–      Cooking food on Salt Slab gives a delicate mild flavor to our food.

–      Ionization gives awesome heat distribution quality to Himalayan Cooking Slab. That actually we want from our cooking surface. Due to this property Himalayan Salt Blocks Wholesale are considered as the best material to cook Food on high as well as low temperature.

–       The food that we cook on Himalayan Salt Block has more minerals than other food because the Salt Slab infused 84 additional minerals in it while cooking.  

–      Salt Cooking Slab retains a specific temperature for a certain level.

–      Gives a delicate full salty mild flavor to our food.

–      Salt is naturally organic material so it stands at the top of all the products to be used in the kitchen in place of any cooking pan.

–      Salt has low porosity and moisture retention that make Himalayan Salt Block a perfect anti-microbial surface that discourages bacteria and other microorganism’s growth on the cooking surface.   

How to cure Himalayan Salt Slab?

To have all advantages and benefits of Himalayan Salt Slab in all its forms there is a sheer need that we follow all the instructions and take precautions to use Himalayan Salt Block Wholesale. Use of Salt Block is very simple and easy just to keep some main points in your mind that are given below for better understanding.

–      Try to customize one side to use for cooking, grilling and presenting your food. This is very important to always use the same side for heating to have a long lasting relation with your favorite Himalayan Salt Blocks Wholesale. This precaution will save your Cooking Slab from Cracks and fissures.

–      Tempering is the most important thing because your way of tempering decides the age of your Pink Himalayan Salt Block. It is very easy to use just follow some basic steps like

1-  Always use a Salt Slab placed at room temperature.

2-  Start Heating at a very low temperature and leave it at the same temperature for a minimum of 15 minutes.

3-  Gradually increase the temperature and follow the above instruction to leave and get heated Himalayan Salt Slab at a specific temperature to heat it up properly for a minimum of 15 minutes.     

4-  After heating it up properly, check its temperature with a thermometer or by simply sprinkling water on the surface of a heated Salt Slab.

5-  You can heat it up in the same manner in Your Oven and microwave.

6-  Always prefer to cook thin layer meat. But if you have thin layered meat then place cuts on its surface to have fast and delicious taste.

–      Presenting food on the Block of Pure Salt is a very easy and elegant touch to our dinning.

–      Same is the procedure to get a low temperature to present sushi and other cold food items to your guests.

How to clean and store Pink Himalayan Salt Block?

Cleaning a Pink Himalayan Salt Slab is very technical. It is not much difficult, just some technicalities to be followed that are listed below.

1-          Firstly, leave your used Salt slab to get back normal to its room temperature.

2-          Always be careful while handling it after usage because salt has a perfect compact ionization structure, so it takes time to come back to its normal temperature.  

3-          Cleaning Himalayan Salt Blocks wholesale is a very delicate process, never use directly sponge to the surface.

4-          Never put Salt blocks in your dishwasher, it will harm your Himalayan Salt Block.

5-          Always use a wet sponge to clean the Surface.

6-          Never use direct water on your Himalayan Salt slab because salt has the best solution with water. It will start resolving in water.

7-          Never heat it up at high flame or temperature; it will cause breakage or cracks in your Himalayan Salt blocks wholesale.

8-          Low temperature heating will give more perfection to Your cooking block.

9-          After cleaning and washing, dry it with dry clean cloth and save it in a dry place.

10-      Don’t place it in a humid place, it will cause wetness to your slab.

11-      Wrapping with a plastic sheet is preferable to save your Himalayan Salt block to avoid moisture.

Himalayan Salt Block Wholesale is totally a new creative classy way to make your food sing and also to impress your guests and families. There is a huge variety in Pink Himalayan Salt Block Friends Rock Salt has excellence to mine and then carved the quality Slabs of Pure Rock Himalayan Salt in different shapes and sizes that are demanded by valuable customers.  

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